Digital Design – Flying Circus – Chosen Theme Research and Draft drawings


I’ve finally chosen a theme! Yay! I’ve chosen Mythical creatures, I’ve chosen this theme because it’s something I have not explored before so it will present not only a challenge but will also be a lot of fun.

Each plane will have a sub theme: Land, ocean and sky mythical creatures. I have already started the ocean creatures since that was the sub theme that gave me the inspiration to choose mythical creatures.

Some research in ocean mythical creatures:

Rough drawings of what will be in the centre fold


I’m still experimenting weather she will have hair or not, I might give her a fin crown or ears.

There will be a Kraken on the wings which will open up to reveal a scary mermaid.

I’ve drawn up the layout and labelled the parts of the paper plane:


I will post more after I decide exactly what will be on each plane, I already have the ideas in my head I just have to write it all down.

My design proposal:

Mythical Creatures is the theme I have decided to go with since it is something I have not yet explored or even drawn before and will present a challenge but will be a lot of fun. Each plane will have a sub theme:

  • Land creatures – Werewolves, Unicorns, Basilisk, Fairies, Minotaurs.
  • Sea creatures – Mermaids, The Kraken, Sea snakes.
  • Sky creatures – Dragons, Phoenix, Griffins.

Each plane will have a dark undertone, for example my mermaid/siren will portray the myth of being a woman who would lead hallucinating sailors to their death.

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