Digital Design – Splash Screens – Editing material

After a lot of thought and consideration I’ve finally chosen plastic. When I think plastic of course I think bottles and recycling but I also think fake and superficial. So the main element in my splash screens will be Barbie.

The story in the splash screens is the before, recovery and the after of Barbie going through plastic surgery.

The meaning behind the splash screens is negative body image, even the most perfect body will never be good enough.

I’ve taken close to 200 photos so I’ll just add a few here. The first image is Barbie before surgery in a hospital gown have a cigarette, I want to try change the facial features in Photoshop and the second image is Barbie straight after surgery.

This is a syringe from a Doc Mcstuffins set I found at my best friends house (She has two girls)



There is a lot more photos of shoes and Barbie from different angles and furniture.

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