Splash Screens – Digital Designs – Progress

So I’ve nearly completed the second splash screen, I just have to insert a bench for Barbie to sit on.

Splash Screen 2@1x

The little girl is supposed to be her daughter comforting her after surgery.

The last splash screen will be Barbie after she has recovered, who looks different to the rest of the plastic bunch.

Digital Design – Splash Screens – Editing material

After a lot of thought and consideration I’ve finally chosen plastic. When I think plastic of course I think bottles and recycling but I also think fake and superficial. So the main element in my splash screens will be Barbie.

The story in the splash screens is the before, recovery and the after of Barbie going through plastic surgery.

The meaning behind the splash screens is negative body image, even the most perfect body will never be good enough.

I’ve taken close to 200 photos so I’ll just add a few here. The first image is Barbie before surgery in a hospital gown have a cigarette, I want to try change the facial features in Photoshop and the second image is Barbie straight after surgery.

This is a syringe from a Doc Mcstuffins set I found at my best friends house (She has two girls)



There is a lot more photos of shoes and Barbie from different angles and furniture.

Digital Design – Flying Circus – Progress so far

So I’m falling a little behind but this week I will hopefully have my first plane finished and have started sketching the other two (or at least one).

I’ve changed my mind on the image that will be the wings of the plane, before it was the Kraken but I’ve decided to go with another mermaid instead. It makes more sense and I was really thinking into how I would give the planes a dark undertone. The mermaid on the wings will look innocent but then you open the plane up to a blood thirsty monster.

Here’s the finished results for the mermaids, I just need to get onto the rest of the plane through Illustrator.

This is the devious mermaid, singing her alluring tune to attract the innocent sailors.

Mermaid wings


Then open up the plane to reveal a monster.


Digital Design – Flying Circus – Progress so far

So I’m falling a little behind but this week I will hopefully have my first plane finished and have started sketching the other two (or at least one).

I’ve changed my mind on the image that will be the wings of the plane, before it was the Kraken but I’ve decided to go with another mermaid instead. It makes more sense and I was really thinking into how I would give the planes a dark undertone. The mermaid on the wings will look innocent but then you open the plane up to a blood thirsty monster.

Here’s the finished results for the mermaids, I just need to get onto the rest of the plane through Illustrator.

This is the devious mermaid, singing her alluring tune to attract the innocent sailors.

Mermaid wings


Then open up the plane to reveal a monster.


Digital Design – Flying Circus – Prototypes


I’m falling a little bit behind and haven’t started anything in Illustrator yet, which I will get too this weekend. I’ve finished my prototype and will post more when I’ve started in Illustrator.

Underneath I’ve drawn an anchor and a skull, it might be a little tricky to see.


Digital Design – Flying Circus – Chosen Theme Research and Draft drawings


I’ve finally chosen a theme! Yay! I’ve chosen Mythical creatures, I’ve chosen this theme because it’s something I have not explored before so it will present not only a challenge but will also be a lot of fun.

Each plane will have a sub theme: Land, ocean and sky mythical creatures. I have already started the ocean creatures since that was the sub theme that gave me the inspiration to choose mythical creatures.

Some research in ocean mythical creatures:

Rough drawings of what will be in the centre fold


I’m still experimenting weather she will have hair or not, I might give her a fin crown or ears.

There will be a Kraken on the wings which will open up to reveal a scary mermaid.

I’ve drawn up the layout and labelled the parts of the paper plane:


I will post more after I decide exactly what will be on each plane, I already have the ideas in my head I just have to write it all down.

My design proposal:

Mythical Creatures is the theme I have decided to go with since it is something I have not yet explored or even drawn before and will present a challenge but will be a lot of fun. Each plane will have a sub theme:

  • Land creatures – Werewolves, Unicorns, Basilisk, Fairies, Minotaurs.
  • Sea creatures – Mermaids, The Kraken, Sea snakes.
  • Sky creatures – Dragons, Phoenix, Griffins.

Each plane will have a dark undertone, for example my mermaid/siren will portray the myth of being a woman who would lead hallucinating sailors to their death.

Digital Design – Flying Circus – Research and inspiration.

My first post and first assignment for the subject Digital Design.

I’ve come up with a lot of themes but I have narrowed it down to 2.

Mystical creatures and Christmas. Two very different themes.

I’m leaning toward Mystical creatures but then I keep thinking how much I love Christmas and it would be heaps of fun creating paper planes based on presents and food!

I will decide by the end of the week as I’m going to start sketching out the themes and just brainstorming ideas for layouts and plane designs.

I’ve scribbled down some mind maps, sorry for the messy hand writing.

Scan 4For the Mythical Creatures I came up with a potential idea of having each plane based on either earth, sea and sky monsters.

Scan 8

Some inspiration I’ve compiled:

So that’s about what I’m up to, I really have decide what I want to do but some creative thinking and more inspiration will help.

The 60’s – Last draft layout

I’ve done two different drafts, just testing out 2 different typefaces. I actually like the second image better because it’s easier to read and doesn’t look so messy. The first isn’t a completed a poster, I just wanted to be able to visual the layout on what the final panel will look like.

Last submission before final 2Last submission before final

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